Category Archives: Big Tips

When you’re a supermarket in a crowded marketplace, it can be hard to stand out. Especially when you’re a luxury brand in a financially unstable market. But Waitrose does an awesome job in using video to really engage with their audience, positioning their supermarket as a go-to despite the financial climate. In this article from the Small Films team, we look at how Waitrose has continued to deliver an excellent video marketing strategy. From their video podcast, Dish, through to SEO recipe videos. 

YouTube Video Content

Often YouTube can be a place where content goes to die, but not in Waitrose’s case. This is a hub of excellent content where users can watch the Dish podcast or learn how to make everything from fish finger sandwiches through to Christmas cake. They’ve also created YouTube Shorts (which will be big with the rollout of Google’s SGE), where they go behind the scenes, interviewing farmers and creating quick recipe content. 

Waitrose YouTube imagery

Why is Waitrose’s YouTube awesome?

  • They showcase their video podcast, Dish
  • They include SEO video recipes 
  • They have easy to navigate playlists, i.e. ‘cooking with kids’, ‘pies’ or ‘cakes’
  • They’ve created clear thumbnails to support more clicks
  • They’ve taken advantage of YouTube shorts for bitesize content
  • They’ve created brand-building content, such as interviews with farmers
  • They’ve included cookery School content, helping to drive sign-ups

Dish Video Podcast

Dish podcast

If you haven’t been listening to Waitrose’s podcast with Angela Hartnett and Nick Grimshaw, then make sure you add it to your Spotify downloads. Having delivered four seasons, this podcast takes listeners through a tasty half-hour of food chat and interviews. But the cleverest part is how every menu uses Waitrose produce being cooked by a Michelin-starred chef. This isn’t just an audible podcast, it’s also filmed, which helps to really bring the ingredients and final dishes to life. 

Influencer Video Marketing

Waitrose has gone pretty big on influencer marketing, most recently using I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here champion Sam Thomson in their Valentine’s campaign. Their use of influencers also covers a wide range of dietaries as well, working alongside influencers such as Deliciously Ella to promote plant-based recipes. 

Social Media Video Content

Waitrose goes big on video on their social media channels, and they love to keep it authentic too. From show arounds of the stores with team members highlighting the best products on the shelves at the moment, or sharing snapshots of their Dish podcast through to quick recipe content.  

Tips for a great social media account like Waitrose

  • Keep it authentic with behind-the-scenes content
  • Highlight new products to share with followers
  • Create viral-worthy delicious-looking recipes
  • Direct users to other channels, such as a podcast
  • Highlight menus/products for different dietaries such as gluten-free
  • Use influencer video content to support reach

Online Cookery School Video Content

Understanding that by making many of their cookery classes virtual, they can broaden their reach, Waitrose has created a series of classes tapping into chef and baker Alex Szrok and The Great British Bake Off’s Ruby Bhogal. Viewers can either watch it live or watch in their own time as on-demand content. Plus, they can easily shop the recipes too. 

Waitrose cookery classes

Even if you’re not a supermarket brand, there are a wealth of ways you can get inspiration from how Waitrose uses video content in their digital marketing campaigns. From brand storytelling to educational content, they’ve really mastered how to engage their audience and drive more sales. 

In the ever-evolving landscape of health and wellness products, Symprove has emerged as a shining star, not just for its groundbreaking probiotic formula but also for its exceptional marketing success. This UK company, founded in 2002, has managed to carve a niche for itself in a competitive market and build a loyal tribe of fans of consumers worldwide. In this blog post, the Small Films team delve into the reasons behind Symprove’s fantastic marketing success, exploring in particular how they’ve used video content to help achieve their growth. 

Showcasing their Scientific Credibility

Symprove’s marketing success begins with the foundation of scientific credibility. Unlike many health products that rely heavily on anecdotal evidence, Symprove has invested significantly in scientific research. And they clearly communicate this across their website. From videos with scientists on why gut health matters through to interviewing neuroscientists on how to rejuvenate the body and mind – they’ve placed a significant emphasis on science-backed content. 

Educational Content

Symprove doesn’t just sell a product; it sells knowledge and understanding. The company invests in creating educational content that explains the science behind its probiotic formulation and the benefits it offers. From blog posts and articles to webinars and infographics, Symprove ensures that consumers are well-informed about gut health and the role of its product. By positioning itself as an authority in the field, Symprove engages its audience and establishes a deeper connection beyond a transactional relationship.

User Testimonials and Success Stories

The power of storytelling is not lost on Symprove’s marketing team. Real-life testimonials and success stories from users who have experienced positive results after using Symprove are prominently featured in their marketing – especially on their social media channels. This not only serves as social proof but also resonates with potential customers on a personal level. Knowing that others have benefited from the product creates a sense of trust and confidence, influencing purchasing decisions.

Strategic Partnerships (especially influencers)

Symprove has strategically formed partnerships with health and wellness influencers, nutritionists, and medical professionals. These collaborations not only enhance the credibility of the brand but also expand its reach to a broader audience. By associating with experts in the field, Symprove positions itself as a go-to solution for gut health, leveraging the influence and trust that these professionals have built with their followers.

Engaging Social Media Presence

In the digital age, a robust social media presence is crucial for any successful marketing strategy. Symprove excels in this aspect by maintaining active and engaging profiles across various platforms. From sharing informative content to responding promptly to customer queries, the brand uses social media not just as a promotional tool but as a means to connect with its audience on a personal level. Regular recipes, behind-the-scenes, and user-generated content further contribute to the vibrant online community surrounding Symprove.

Symprove's instagram screenshot

Customer-Centric Approach

Symprove places a strong emphasis on its customers, and this customer-centric approach is reflected in its marketing strategy. The company actively seeks and values customer feedback, using it to improve its products and services continuously. By prioritising the customer experience, Symprove fosters loyalty and positive word-of-mouth marketing, turning satisfied customers into brand advocates.

Symprove’s marketing success is a result of a carefully crafted strategy that combines scientific integrity, educational initiatives, strategic partnerships, and a strong online presence. Symprove has not only conquered the competitive health and wellness market but has also established itself as a trusted leader in the realm of gut health. As the company continues to innovate and adapt to evolving consumer needs, its marketing success is likely to endure, making Symprove a noteworthy case study for businesses in the health and wellness sector.

Small Films are specialists in video content for FMCG brands. We’ve created unforgettable films for the likes of Mallow & Marsh, Lucky Saint and Charlie Bighams and more. If you’d like to discuss your next video marketing project, then do get in touch with one of the team. We’d love to help. 

Mapping out how video content fits into the marketing funnel is a surefire way to supercharge your strategy. From using SEO videos to get in front of an audience looking for your business to showreels that push towards conversion, there’s a multitude of ways that video can be used to help cement a sale. And it doesn’t just stop at the sale – Building advocacy should also be a key part of your plan. And there’s a whole host of videos that can support this too. In this article, the Small Films team delves into all the types of videos you can use to optimise your marketing funnel. 


bow tie funnel

Image via

Building Awareness

SEO Videos

With most of us heading to Google when we’re looking to find an answer to our challenge, there’s no better place to ensure that your brand is showing up. It’s easy to optimise your website for SEO, but forget about your VSEO (video SEO) strategy. And with YouTube the second largest search engine, it’s vital that you’re doubling down on this channel too. 

To read more about how you can nail your YouTube strategy, make sure to read our blog SEO for videos on YouTube – An Ultimate Checklist. Plus take a look at HubSpots’ article on How to optimise your videos for YouTube search

See the SEO video we created for Gressingham Duck


Social Media Ads

Social media ads are one of the top ways to get your brand in front of a new audience. Consider how you purchase. How often have you found yourself going down a rabbit hole after watching a video on Instagram? With the ability to be highly targeted, they’re a brilliant way to build awareness and scale your brand. 

See our Facebook ad for Mallow & Marsh

Explainer Videos

Explainers are videos that help to educate your audience about common pain points or challenges. They can also work to explain what your company does quickly. A really useful tool if you have a more complex service offering. Explainer videos are a great first step for a brand to let their audience know what they do, so they want to come back for more. 

Watch our Join the Dots explainer video

TV and Cinema Adverts

Whilst this is an avenue for brands with bigger budgets, those who can build it into their marketing budgets will reap the benefits. Cinema adverts are a brilliant way to build awareness in the local community. Take the cinema advert we created for Croydon High School. This was an excellent way to target parents in the local area, showcasing why they should choose to send their children to Croydon High. 

Check out the ITV advert we created for Mackie’s ice cream

Organic Social Media 

Share bite-sized video clips on social media platforms to tease upcoming products, events, or announcements. Video content helps to generate curiosity and encourage users to seek more information, driving them further into the funnel.

Driving Interest

Product Demos and How-Tos

Create in-depth product demonstration videos or how-to guides to showcase the features and benefits of your offerings. This type of content helps potential customers visualise how your products or services can address their specific needs.

See the product video we created for the Aldi Air Fryer

Behind-the-Scenes Footage

Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your company culture, production processes, or day-to-day operations. This humanises your brand and fosters a connection with your audience, making them more interested in the people behind the products.

Webinars and Expert Interviews

Host webinars or conduct interviews with industry experts. This positions your brand as a thought leader and provides valuable insights to your audience, further establishing interest in your products or services.

Customer Testimonials

Showcase real-life experiences with your brand through video testimonials. Authentic stories from satisfied customers can help build credibility and trust, making potential customers more aware of the positive impact your products or services can have.

See our Haymarket testimonial.


A highlight of all your best bits, showreels are a brilliant way to help push your audience down the funnel. There are many ways you can use them, from on your website, in proposals, live pitches, across your social media, and in your email marketing campaigns. 

See the showreel we created for onepointfive

Aiding Conversion

Product Comparison Videos

Help potential customers make informed decisions by creating videos that compare your products or services with competitors. Highlight what sets you apart and why your offering is the superior choice.

Limited-Time Offers and Promotions

Drive urgency and encourage conversions by creating videos that promote limited-time offers, discounts, or exclusive deals. Use compelling visuals and a clear call-to-action to guide viewers to the next step in the funnel.

Interactive Product Tours

Develop interactive video tours of your products, allowing users to explore key features and functionalities at their own pace. This immersive experience provides the necessary information for a confident purchasing decision.

Customer Onboarding Videos

Assist customers with onboarding through instructional videos. This not only ensures a positive customer experience but also reduces post-purchase anxiety, fostering loyalty and repeat business.

Building Advocacy

User-Generated Content Campaigns

Encourage your satisfied customers to create and share their own videos showcasing your products or services. User-generated content serves as authentic testimonials and can be a powerful driver for brand advocacy.

Case Studies

Transform your case studies into engaging video formats. Highlight the challenges faced by your customers, the solutions provided by your brand, and the positive outcomes. This builds credibility and encourages advocacy from potential customers.

Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes

Reward your brand advocates with exclusive behind-the-scenes content, sneak peeks, or early access to new products. This not only strengthens their loyalty but also encourages them to continue advocating for your brand.

Interactive Q&A Sessions

Host live or pre-recorded Q&A sessions where advocates can interact directly with your team. This personal connection strengthens the bond between your brand and its advocates, turning them into vocal supporters.

Strategically aligning video content with your marketing funnel can be a game-changer for your business. From building awareness to fostering brand advocacy, video has the versatility to engage and resonate with your audience at every stage of their journey.

If you’d like to chat with the team about using video in your marketing funnel, we’d love to hear from you. Just drop us a line at

In the fast-paced world of FMCG marketing, creating a meaningful impact on your website is crucial. Video is a dynamic and engaging medium that has the ability to convey information quickly and effectively, along with its capacity to evoke emotions – making it an invaluable tool for increasing conversions on your website. The team at Small Films details how you can use video to better convert on your site. 

Improve Engagement

Video captures your audience’s attention more effectively than text or static images. When consumers engage with video content, they tend to spend more time on your website, increasing the likelihood of conversion. This also supports your SEO strategy, with engagement rate as a key ranking factor. 

Showcase your Products

Video allows you to showcase your products in a way that highlights their key features and benefits. Whether it’s the perfect pour of a beverage, the crispness of a snack, or the feel of a personal care product, video can communicate these aspects vividly.


Video is an excellent medium for telling compelling brand stories. It allows you to connect with your audience emotionally, which is crucial in the FMCG industry where brand loyalty is essential. You can create videos that showcase the brand’s history, values, and commitment to quality.

A video showreel for the events agency Onepointfive

Educational Content

Video can serve as an educational tool, helping consumers understand how to use your products effectively. Whether it’s cooking tutorials for food products or skincare routines for personal care items, video can provide valuable information that aids in the decision-making process.

Social Media Integration

Videos can be seamlessly integrated into your social media marketing efforts, reaching a broader audience and driving traffic to your website.

A fun promotional video from Mallow & Marsh from the Small Films team

Product Demonstrations and How-To Videos

In the FMCG industry, demonstrating how to use your products can be a game-changer. Consider creating short, engaging videos that show your products in action. For instance, if your company produces cooking ingredients, create videos demonstrating mouthwatering recipes that use your products. This not only showcases the product but also provides value to the consumer.

Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials are a powerful form of social proof. By creating video testimonials, you can humanise your brand and build trust with potential customers. Interview satisfied customers who can speak to their positive experiences with your products. Their authentic stories can help persuade visitors to make a purchase.

A customer testimonial with Rex London from the Small Films team

Behind-the-Scenes Content

Take your audience behind the scenes of your FMCG company. Show them the manufacturing process, quality control procedures, and the dedication of your team. Transparency is vital in the FMCG sector, where consumers are increasingly concerned about product origins and quality.

Interactive Product Tours

An interactive product tour can be an excellent way to engage potential customers. Create videos that allow viewers to explore your products in detail. Use clickable links to take them to specific product pages, where they can learn more or make a purchase.

User-Generated Content

Encourage your customers to share their experiences with your products through video content. User-generated videos can provide authentic reviews and endorsements, boosting the credibility of your brand. You can run contests or campaigns to motivate users to create and share videos.

Live Streaming Events

Consider hosting live-streaming events on your website. This can be particularly effective for product launches, promotions, or behind-the-scenes tours. Live events create a sense of urgency and excitement, encouraging visitors to take immediate action.

Optimise Video for SEO

To ensure that your videos are discoverable, optimise them for search engines. This includes using relevant keywords in video titles, descriptions, and tags. Additionally, create a video sitemap and submit it to search engines to improve video search visibility.

An SEO video for Gressingham Duck from the Small Films team

Mobile Optimisation

In the FMCG industry, a significant portion of your audience is likely to be accessing your website from mobile devices. Ensure that your videos are mobile-friendly, with responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes and orientations. Slow-loading videos can deter potential customers, so optimise for speed as well.

CTAs and Video End Screens

Every video should have a clear call to action (CTA). Whether it’s encouraging viewers to visit your product page, subscribe to your newsletter, or follow your social media accounts, a well-placed CTA can guide visitors toward conversion. Additionally, use end screens to suggest related videos or products, increasing the chances of further engagement.

A/B Testing

Don’t be afraid to experiment. A/B testing different video placements, lengths, and content types can help you refine your approach for better results. Continuously analyse the data to understand what works best for your specific audience.

Data Analytics and Conversion Tracking

Implement robust analytics to track the performance of your videos. Understand how long users engage with your videos, where they drop off, and what actions they take afterwards. This data can inform your video strategy and help you make data-driven decisions.


Harnessing the power of video content is a strategic move that can significantly improve your website’s conversion rates. From product demonstrations and customer testimonials to interactive tours and live events, video offers a versatile range of tools to engage and persuade your audience. If you’d like support with creating video content for your website, then do get in touch with the Small Films team.

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, consumers are increasingly prioritising brands that embrace sustainability and ethical practices. In fact, a Nielsen study found that 73% of global consumers are willing to pay more for products and services from companies committed to positive social and environmental impact. This shift in consumer behaviour has led many brands to adopt sustainable practices and tell their stories through various mediums, with video being one of the most effective and engaging tools. In this article, the Small Films team explore the power of video in highlighting your sustainable brand story and examines successful examples from well-known brands such as Pentire and Fever-Tree.

The Importance of Sustainable Branding

This approach goes beyond showcasing eco-friendly products; it involves transparency, accountability, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the environment and society.

When executed effectively, sustainable branding can:

  • Build Trust: Consumers are more likely to trust and support brands that are open about their sustainability efforts. By telling your brand’s sustainability story through video, you can establish a strong emotional connection with your audience.
  • Attract a Loyal Audience: Sustainability-focused consumers are often more loyal to brands that align with their values. Video content helps create a deeper emotional connection, increasing the likelihood of repeat business.
  • Educate and Inspire: Video is a powerful educational tool. By creating informative videos about your sustainability initiatives, you can raise awareness about important issues and inspire your audience to make more conscious choices.
  • Stand Out in the Market: In a crowded marketplace, a genuine commitment to sustainability can be a unique selling point. Video allows you to showcase what makes your brand different and why consumers should choose you.

The Power of Video in Sustainable Branding

Video is a compelling medium for storytelling. It combines visuals, audio, and narrative to create a rich, immersive experience. Here’s why video is particularly effective in sustainable branding:

  • Visual Impact: Video enables you to show rather than just tell. You can visually depict your sustainable practices, making them more tangible for the audience. For example, you can showcase your eco-friendly manufacturing processes, recycling efforts, or the sourcing of sustainable materials.
  • Emotional Connection: Video allows you to connect with your audience on a personal and emotional level. Through storytelling and compelling visuals, you can create a narrative that resonates with your brand’s values and mission.
  • Engagement: Video content tends to be more engaging than text or static images. It’s more likely to be shared on social media, helping you reach a wider audience and amplify your message.
  • Educational Value: Videos can serve as educational tools to inform your audience about sustainability issues, from climate change and biodiversity to fair trade and ethical sourcing.

Now, let’s delve into a couple of examples from well-known brands that have effectively used video to highlight their sustainable brand stories.

Pentire: Stories of our community

Pentire, a Cornish botanical non-alcoholic spirit brand, has made waves in the industry by combining a passion for coastal preservation with a commitment to crafting premium beverages. Their video series “Stories of our Community” beautifully encapsulates their brand ethos and commitment to sustainability.

The series explores key people along the stunning Cornish coast, from a sustainable-focused restaurant to a diver who talks of the serenity of the sea.  The videos feature breathtaking scenery and engaging voiceovers from those whom the story is about. By aligning its brand with the natural beauty of Cornwall, Pentire not only showcases its sourcing practices but also educates its audience about the importance of coastal preservation.

TOMS Shoes: One for One Movement

TOMS Shoes is renowned for its “One for One” movement, which has been central to its brand identity since its inception. Through this initiative, TOMS pledges that for every pair of shoes sold, they will donate a pair to a child in need. They’ve effectively used video to highlight their mission and impact.

TOMS Shoes’ video campaigns often feature compelling stories of the communities they support. These heartwarming videos showcase the joy and transformation that occurs when a child receives a new pair of shoes. By highlighting the impact of their “One for One” model, TOMS Shoes reinforces its commitment to social responsibility.



Fever-Tree: The Malaria Must Die Campaign

Fever-Tree, a well-known premium mixer brand, launched the “Malaria Must Die” campaign in partnership with the charity Malaria No More UK. This campaign is a stellar example of how video can be used to promote a social cause while reinforcing a brand’s commitment to ethical practices.

Fever-Tree’s brand association with this campaign was multifaceted. They pledged to match donations made by the public to Malaria No More UK, thereby promoting corporate social responsibility. The video was shared widely on social media and generated a significant amount of buzz, aligning Fever-Tree with the cause of eliminating malaria.

This campaign not only showcased Fever-Tree’s dedication to a social cause but also emphasised its commitment to sourcing the best ingredients, including natural quinine from the Congo, the heart of malaria prevalence. By taking a stand against malaria, Fever-Tree managed to strengthen its brand image while making a substantial impact on a critical issue.


Tips for Creating Impactful Sustainable Brand Videos

To effectively use video to highlight your sustainable brand story, consider the following tips:

  • Authenticity Is Key: Be genuine in your sustainability efforts. If you’re genuinely committed to making a positive impact, it will come through in your videos. Authenticity resonates with audiences.
  • Tell a Compelling Story: Create a narrative around your sustainability initiatives. Showcase the journey, challenges, and successes. This emotional storytelling can captivate your audience.
  • Educate and Inspire: Use your videos to inform your audience about sustainability issues and inspire them to take action. Knowledge is a powerful tool for change.
  • Leverage Influencers: Partner with influencers or advocates who share your brand values. Their endorsement can extend the reach of your message.
  • Promote Transparency: Showcase your supply chain, manufacturing processes, and sustainability certifications. Transparency builds trust.
  • Create Shareable Content: Craft videos that are engaging and shareable. The more your audience shares your content, the wider your message will spread.
  • Measure Impact: Use analytics to gauge the effectiveness of your videos. Are they driving engagement, increasing website traffic, or raising awareness?

Using video to highlight your sustainable brand story is a powerful way to engage with your audience, build trust, and differentiate your brand in a crowded marketplace. By sharing your sustainability journey through videos, you can connect with consumers on a personal and emotional level, effectively conveying your commitment to ethical and eco-friendly practices.

Among the countless brands vying for our attention, Oatly has emerged as a trailblazer in the realm of video marketing. A Swedish company launched in the 1990s, they have a passion for sustainability, a quirky brand persona, and a flair for storytelling. And in recent years, they’ve managed to create some, quite frankly, genius video marketing campaigns. In this article from the Small Films team, we look at how Oatly has leveraged its video content to build a devoted community of oat milk enthusiasts.

The Power of Authenticity

At the core of Oatly’s video marketing strategy lies a commitment to authenticity. Unlike traditional, glossy commercials, Oatly’s videos often have a slightly homemade, DIY feel, which is bound to resonate more deeply with consumers. By often using real people or employees as the face of their campaigns, Oatly showcases a genuine passion for its products and mission.

One prime example of this authenticity is their “Wow, No Cow!” campaign, where the CEO, Toni Petersson, stars in the video located in a field of oats. Said to have been banned in Sweden after the Swedish dairy lobby sued Oatly, this video certainly had the desired effect – to create a buzz. This approach not only entertained viewers but also effectively conveyed Oatly’s message of providing a sustainable, plant-based alternative to milk.


Humour and Creativity

Oatly’s video marketing campaigns are known for their wit and humour, and with their unique ability to inject levity into serious subjects like sustainability and healthy living, they come across as more approachable and engaging. 

In their ‘Where’s Milk?’ content at Berlin Film Festival, they engagingly ask attendees if anything is missing at the festival. This one-minute film is a super effective way of highlighting how an entire large-scale event can operate without dairy milk. 



Storytelling with Impact

Storytelling is an art, and Oatly has mastered it remarkably well. The brand’s video marketing campaigns are centred around compelling narratives that resonate with the audience on a personal level. 

An example of this is their campaign, Will it Swap? Where they film a variety of people, from the Bexley bricklayer Joey to Sebastian the treasure hunter creating a recipe with Oatly. These five-minute pieces of content show them in their real environment from their gardens to their local social club – helping their audience identify with the brand on a deeper level. 

Bold and Controversial

Oatly isn’t afraid to take risks, and this audacity is evident in its video marketing approach. Some of their campaigns have been bold and even controversial, but that’s what sets them apart from the competition. By pushing boundaries, Oatly generates discussions and amplifies their brand’s visibility.

The “Help Dad” campaign exemplifies this boldness. Identifying that 75% of men aged 44-75 agree that eating meat and dairy is ‘part of their life’, Oatly set about creating a campaign that would ultimately spark conversations about sustainable choices and capture significant attention.

Engaging User-Generated Content

Oatly has successfully harnessed the power of user-generated content (UGC) in its video marketing strategy. The brand encourages its customers to create and share content related to their products and experiences. This approach not only generates authentic and relatable content but also empowers their community members to become Oatly brand ambassadors.

By running social media challenges and competitions, Oatly actively involves its audience in the creative process, building a sense of ownership and loyalty among its fans.


Oatly’s brilliance in video marketing lies in its ability to blend authenticity, humour, storytelling, and audacity into compelling campaigns. By connecting with consumers on a deeper emotional level, Oatly has managed to build a devoted community of brand enthusiasts. 

If you’d like our team of video strategists to delve deep into your brand and provide recommendations on how you can replicate the success of Oatly’s video marketing then do drop us a line at 


When it comes to social media marketing, you’ve got to go big to stand out these days. With a wealth of content creators all trying to gain our attention, it can be a hard task as a brand to cut through the noise. Here at the Small Films HQ, we’ve picked out some of our favourite FMCG brands that are absolutely smashing it with their social media marketing.


Two hands holding Misfits bars


This vegan protein bar jumped on the scenes in 2020 but has significantly grown in popularity this year after they went big on their social media game. Helped by eye-catching branding, Misfits inject fun and personality into everything they do, from drool-worthy close-ups of gooey caramel bars to playfully jumping on viral trends. 

What we’re loving about Misfit’s Instagram content…

  • Their content looks ridiculously tasty. Who wouldn’t want to grab themselves some of these high-protein bars?
  • They’re happy to take the mick out of themselves. No serious content here….
  • They inject competitions as a way to grow their audience
  • They know how to engage with their audience, from flavour polls to product development from audience feedback.


Refy mascaras


When Molly-Mae is a fan, then you know that the brand is going big places. Launched in 2020 by Jess Hunt (who has an astonishing 1.8 million followers on Instagram), Refy is one of those brands that everyone wants in their make-up bag. With Brow Sculpt their iconic product, they were able to drive a 100k waitlist for this product alone. 

What we’re loving about Refy’s Instagram content

  • They show a wide range of influencers using their products
  • They create intrigue, specifically around their recent pop-up shop in Soho.
  • They show their products in action, helping their audience understand how colours and finishes might look
  • They almost neurotically stay within their brand colours. There’s never a stray from a white, taupe or black.


symprove bottles


Symprove are absolute masters in influencer marketing. So much so, that I doubt there are many on Instagram that haven’t heard of this gut health brand. The video content on their side is a mix of content creator collaborations, recipes, morning routines through to ‘fact vs fiction from dieticians. 

What we’re loving about Symprove’s Instagram content

  • It’s not all shiny and polished; they confidently keep it authentic
  • They use expert opinions to help build trust with their audience
  • Their recipes are wholesome and appealing to a broader audience
  • They do giveaways to help widen their audience
  • They regularly give top tips to help their audience with their gut health


Box of Smol washing products


Bringing eco-friendly cleaning products direct to people’s homes, Smol is a brand that is trying to continually innovate to revolutionise home cleaning. Both plastic-free and housed in sustainable packaging, their capsules cut carbon by an impressive 35%. This isn’t a dry and dull eco brand, instead, they’ve brought their fun personality into all their content – ensuring that they’re selling sustainable living in a way that better resonates with their audience.

Why we’re loving Smol’s Instagram content

  • They’ve gone big on video content, from showing how their products work to behind-the-scenes content 
  • They showcase the benefits of their brand, clearly stating the difference between Smol and high street non-eco brands.
  • They have a broad spectrum of content they discuss from ‘smol science’ to ‘3 things you should clean monthly.



fever tree bottles on green background


Everyone’s favourite mixer, Fever-Tree, is synonymous with that delicious summer G&T. Starting out with standard soda and tonic-type mixers, Fever-Tree has now grown into exciting new ranges from espresso martini mixers to Mexican lime. This brand exudes premium in everything that it does and never veers away from knowing exactly who its target audience is. 

Why we’re loving Fever-Tree’s Instagram content

  • Snappy reels showcasing different flavour combos
  • Fun collaborations with spirit brands to help grow their audience
  • Easy-to-follow video cocktail recipes
  • Well-chosen influencer collaborations in line with their brand TOV
  • Competitions with high-ticket prizes such as Royal Ascot

Athletic Greens

Bags of athletic greens


A brand that has gone big on its Ad game, Athletic Greens is a multivitamins company that offers a subscription service for its products. Amassing almost 500k followers on their Instagram account, they’ve created a hub of wellness content that has fantastic engagement.

Why we’re loving Athletic Greens content

  • Going big on video content, they’re clearly showing their brand message around sustainability and health goals
  • They put spotlights on their ingredients, helping their audience understand exactly the benefits of their product
  • They build trust with their audience by video interviewing nutrition experts.
  • They inspire their audience to buy their travel packets, with snappy video content showing the products in action.

Bold Beans


Bold Bean Co is an example of a brand with a simple product executed perfectly. Exploding across 2023/24, they have a mission to make everyone obsessed with the humble bean. And they’re showing that beany content doesn’t have to be boring. In fact these guys have a huge breadth with their content, from recipes to jumping on viral trends. 

Why we love Bold Bean Co’s Instagram content

  • They keep it really authentic. We love Founder Amelia’s dad’s recipe videos
  • Their video recipes really show the breadth of what you can create with beans. 
  • They showcase content such as Dragon’s Den, which helps to build authority
  • They go behind the scenes to showcase how they get their beans so tasty
  • They proudly showcase the team behind the beans

Wild Refill

deodorants in a row


Will Refill has done a fab job of building brand awareness through influencer content. A much-loved brand already, Wild Refill continually thinks of fun and creative ways they can showcase their deodorant perfumes. Going big on activations (check out their candy floss experience), their Instagram content shows a good mix of behind-the-scenes, benefits, flavours and competitions.

Why we love Wild Refill’s Instagram content

  • They quirkily showcase their new perfumes, brightening up their feed
  • They inject video content in fun ways to show new stockists or perfumes launching
  • They engage their audience collaborations, competitions and input on their deodorant scents.

This is just a small snapshot of what can be done with building your brand through your Instagram content. If you want to learn how video can improve your social media marketing tenfold then just pop up an email at 

At Small Films, we’re a video production company in London that has worked with some amazing brands over the years from Emily Crisps to Mallow & Marsh. You can check out our video work here. 

In an era where consumer choices are abundant and loyalty is fickle, cultivating a devoted following can provide your brand with a solid foundation for long-term success. A loyal tribe not only generates repeat business but also becomes your brand’s advocate, spreading positive word-of-mouth and, in turn, amplifying your reach. In this blog from the Small Films team, we explore the vital importance of building a loyal tribe for your food or drink brand and delve into effective strategies that will help you forge lasting connections with your audience.

Build a relationship with your followers:

Creating a loyal tribe is all about building a strong relationship with your followers. It’s not just about selling products; it’s about establishing a connection that goes beyond transactions. Here are some proven techniques:

Authentic Brand Storytelling:

Share your brand’s story, values, and mission with your audience. Be transparent and genuine, allowing customers to relate to your brand on a personal level. Huel, the meal replacement drink excels in storytelling by incorporating the founder’s passion (Julian Hearn) for the lifestyle his brand gives into key elements of their marketing. From website content around why he created Huel to YouTube films on how he built a $72,000,000 business in five years – tapping into a key segment of their audience that are likely interested in entrepreneurship.

Julian Hearn, Founder of Huel

Engage and Respond:

Actively engage with your followers on social media platforms. Respond to their comments, queries, and feedback promptly. BrewDog, the craft beer company, is known for its witty and humorous interactions with followers on Twitter, creating a sense of community and fostering loyalty

BrewDog twitter

Likewise, the Kings of Twitter Aldi, time and time again engage brilliantly with their followers. This not only creates a sense of community with their network, but it helps to inspire their followers to tag them in their content, which in turn helps to build their brand awareness. 

Aldi twitter post


Waitrose and Dish podcast

Dish podcast

One of the smartest moves that Waitrose has made is launching their Dish podcast in 2022. Hosted by Nick Grimshaw and leading chef, Angela Hartnett, the podcast has been an enormous success, bringing in millions of video podcast views and listeners. With cleverly chosen dishes and always a wine or cocktail to match, the podcast makes you associate Waitrose with high quality ingredients where you can turn simple ingredients into culinary masterpieces. 

Personalised Experiences:

Always make customers feel valued by personalising their experiences with your brand. This can be personalised emails, exclusive offers that feel like they’re just for them, or even surprise gifts. Whilst the ‘Share a Coke’ campaign is now over 10 years old, the sentiment hasn’t dated – the powerful theme of community. 

coca cola share a coke campaign


A US pet food company, called The Farmer’s Dog, was able to personalise its content through an email segmentation campaign. This all helps to create the message that The Farmer’s Dog has their pet’s best interests at heart. 

pet food brand email marketing

Give beh
ind-the-scenes footage:

One effective way to build a loyal tribe is by giving your audience a glimpse into the inner workings of your brand. Behind-the-scenes footage creates a sense of exclusivity and authenticity. Here’s how you can leverage this approach:

Day-in-the-Life Content: Share behind-the-scenes footage of your team, showcasing the passion and dedication that goes into creating your products. Innocent, the smoothie brand, often posts light-hearted videos on social media featuring their team members, creating a relatable and transparent image.

Manufacturing and Sourcing: Highlight your manufacturing processes, ingredient sourcing, and quality control measures. This not only demonstrates your commitment to quality but also fosters trust and loyalty. BrewDog often shares behind-the-scenes videos of their brewing facilities, showcasing their craft and attention to detail.

Inspire User-Generated Content:

User-generated content (UGC) is a powerful tool for building a loyal tribe. By involving your customers in the content creation process, you empower them and create a sense of belonging. Here’s how to inspire UGC:

  1. Contests and Challenges: Run contests or challenges that encourage customers to share their experiences with your products. Doritos have a highly loyal and engaged audience, which is partly down to how they inspire their audience with challenge content. Take their Legion of Creators. A chance to get paid for creating Doritos content. An awesome way to get your audience excited about your brand. 
doritos bag by a lake


Doritos Legion of Creators 

Influencer Collaborations: Collaborate with influencers or micro-influencers who align with your brand values. Their endorsement can inspire their followers to engage with your brand and in turn create UGC. 

Repost and Recognise: Show appreciation for your customers’ content by reposting and giving them credit. This not only encourages further engagement but also makes your followers feel valued. 

Create a distinct brand voice

The brands that often have the greatest tribes are those with the most distinctive brand voice. Take Innocent for example, their campaigns, tone of voice, and packaging are so recognisable that most people could identify them from a distance in a long lineup of smoothie brands. Or M&S Food, synonymous with luxury, and translating into beautifully shot, mouth-watering content that is so distinctive to their brand. 

innocent smoothies on the grassBuilding a loyal tribe for your food and drink brand does require a ton of hard work and certainly doesn’t come overnight. But if you put the right frameworks in place, and ensure that there is a two-way conversation with your audience you’ll start to build a more loyal following.

Author: George Hughes, Creative Director, Small Films
George Hughes is the Founder and Creative Director of the video production company, Small Films, and also the Author of the book “Resonance: Unleash your Brand’s Potential with Video” – a number 1 bestseller on Amazon. George comes from a 14-year career in the television industry directing for an array of networks from the BBC to the Discovery Channel. He went on to found his video production agency Small Films, and for the last six years has been creating video advertising campaigns and branded content for an array of brands, from Aldi supermarket to disruptive startups like Lick Paint.

If you’d like support with your food filming needs, then the Small Films team are expert in food & drink video production. We’ve worked with the likes of Aldi, Plenish and Gressingham Duck, so we know what makes a mouth-watering food film.  Do drop us a line, we’d love to help.

A brand long beloved amongst those who enjoy the finer things in life, Johnnie Walker offers a wide range of award-winning whiskies, the most famous being its best-selling Red Label scotch whisky. Johnnie Walker sold more than 21m cases of its flagship blended Scotch in the 2021-22 fiscal year, making it the world’s biggest Scotch whisky brand. Johnnie Walker owes much of its success to its brilliant video marketing campaigns. In this article, we’ll take a look at the lessons that can be learnt from some of the best video marketing that the brand has produced over the years.

Focusing on your customers achieves the best results

One of the key lessons that we can learn from Johnnie Walker is that video marketing which focuses on its audience and their aspirations, can be extraordinarily powerful.

The success of Johnnie Walker’s Keep Walking campaign, which was launched at the turn of the millennium, owes in large part to its focus on the ambitions and desires of its audience. Johnnie Walker had seen its market share fall and its sales decline in the late 1990s, and it was clear that there was a real need to improve the brand’s marketing initiatives. Much of the material that had been used to promote Johnnie Walker focused too much on its product range, and it often traded in old-fashioned notions of what success looked like. Johnnie Walker was sorely lacking in brand identity, and it was clear that the video marketing used to promote the brand needed to be radically reimagined if it were to appeal to younger consumers.

The Keep Walking campaign was launched in an effort to right the ship and give the brand a new lease of life as it entered the new millennium. This simple message tied in neatly with Johnnie Walker’s logo, the legendary Striding Man, and it encapsulated the brand’s new focus on resilience, hard work and remaining positive.

The Walk, starring Harvey Keitel, is one of the first video ads in this series. Released in 1999, it provides a grittily inspiring message from a Hollywood tough guy that focuses on personal growth and improvement.

[The Walk – Harvey Keitel – Johnnie Walker] 

Another notable entry is the award-winning Fish, released in 2003. A visually stunning advert, it demonstrates the versatility of Keep Walking as a marketing slogan:

[Johnnie Walker – Fish (2003, UK)] 

This reimagining of Johnnie Walker’s image was certainly bold, and it paid off – sales of Johnnie Walker rose from 10.2m cases in 1999 to 15.1m in 2007, and revenue grew by an impressive 94%, hitting $4.56bn worldwide. Johnnie Walker continues to perform well: it is the world’s best-selling Scotch whisky, thanks in large part to high sales of its Black Label blend.

That Keep Walking continues to form the backbone of Johnnie Walker’s video marketing speaks volumes, and it is a testament to how ads that touch upon human values with universal appeal resonate far more with their target audience than those that simply extol the virtues of a brand’s products.

Find out more about how to build an effective video marketing strategy.

Long-form ads and documentaries are a great way to tell your brand story

The About Us section is often one of the dullest parts of a company’s website. If there’s one thing that Johnnie Walker has taught us, however, it’s that long-form ads and documentaries can succeed where web pages on certain subjects almost always fail.

Johnnie Walker’s 2009 film, The Man Who Walked Around The World, is one of the brand’s best-ever ads – and it is also one of the most famous liquor ads that has ever been made. A single-shot take that runs for more than six minutes, it was an audacious effort that did a fantastic job of bringing the brand’s history to life.

[▶ Johnnie Walker – The Man Who Walked Around The World] 

The sight of Robert Carlyle delivering a monologue about the company’s history whilst strolling down the beautiful hills of Loch Doyne is, of course, a huge part of this advert’s appeal. What fundamentally makes this advert so effective, however, is its compelling storytelling: the tale of how Johnnie Walker went from a humble distillery in Kilmarnock to one of the most recognised liquor brands is a fascinating one, regardless of whether or not you are a keen whisky drinker. With that said, we suspect that a fair amount of Johnnie Walker may have been consumed when the idea of filming this ad in a one-shot sequence was conceived(!)

This theme was reprised in 2020, when the brand decided to mark its bicentenary with a feature documentary directed by Anthony Wonke.

[The Man Who Walked Around the World | Official Trailer | Discovery]

This beautifully shot documentary film is a masterclass in how to tell a brand’s story, from the founding of the brand in the 19th century through to an account of the company’s fortunes during the Prohibition era and the Civil Rights movement. It’s a great example of how longer-form content can be used by brands to provide an in-depth account of their brand story – especially brands with a history that is as rich and as century-spanning as Johnnie Walker’s. If you are interested in learning more about this promotional film, take a look at the film’s website, or view the film in full on Amazon Prime or Apple TV

Find out more about how video can be used in brand storytelling, and learn more about how brands can use documentary-style video in their content marketing. Take a look at our documentary-style video services today.

Tell a story that packs a strong emotional punch

Another area in which Johnnie Walker has excelled is in its emotive storytelling. This 2015 ad, released as part of the brand’s Keep Walking campaign, takes us back to the awe-inspiring scenery of the Scottish Highlands. It tells the journey of two brothers hiking in the region’s rugged mountains and valleys:

[Johnnie Walker – Dear Brother]

Whilst this ad is rather sombre and melancholy, it ultimately concludes with the uplifting, motivational message at the heart of Johnnie Walker: to keep on walking. A departure from the more traditional conception of manhood presented in the 1999 advert, The Walk, this instalment in the series reflects a softer, more sensitive portrayal of masculinity. As such, it is a good reflection of the brand’s ability to change with the times whilst also being consistent in its core messaging.

>> Read our blog: Red Bull, Kings of Content Marketing

It’s time to start walking in Johnnie Walker’s footsteps!

If we were to summarise what Johnnie Walker has to teach us about effective video marketing, we’d be inclined to refer to their iconic tagline – just keep walking! 

Find out more about Johnnie Walker’s video content by checking out their YouTube channel, and take a look at our blog and all of our latest work on our YouTube channel for more ideas and inspiration.

Small Films is a video production company in London. Our team of videographers, editors and animators create all sorts of videos, including awesome documentary-style videos, product videos, testimonial videos, explainer videos and animations that can help bring your brand to life. Do get in touch; we’d love to hear from you!

As any marketer worth his salt (a culinary essential) will attest, telling a compelling story is a brilliant way to engage your viewers and communicate information about your brand’s history and values. Video storytelling is widely regarded as one of the most effective approaches that food and drink brands can adopt when persuading consumers to consume their products. 

Let’s take a look at how you can tell stories that leave the right taste in your mouth with a review of some of the best storytelling videos that have been made by the food and drink industry.

Make an emotional connection with your audience

There are few better ways for food and drink brands to promote their offering than to connect with their audience on an emotional level, and this is where good storytelling comes in. Longer-form stories are usually composed of the following elements: i) the introduction of the characters, ii) the drama and iii) the resolution. 

Start by acquainting your audience with a likeable and/or relatable character. Once you have established your character(s), it’s time for the fun part: the drama. It is here that your character(s) encounter a problem of some sort. And it is in the story’s resolution that a solution presents itself – an ideal entry point for the food or drink that you wish to advertise.

Sainsbury’s 2014 Christmas ad marked the 100th anniversary of the Christmas Truce of 1914 that was observed during the First World War, and it is one of our favourite video storytelling examples. It begins with an unarmed English soldier risking his life by daring to rise from his trench, his arms raised. Whilst we know little about him, his actions raise the stakes in a dramatic fashion, and we root for him to survive.

The drama culminates in a tense stand-off. Happily, the situation resolves itself in a satisfying manner: the soldiers agree to a truce and play a game of football in no man’s land before returning to their respective trenches, whereupon a German soldier finds that he has been gifted a bar of chocolate by the English soldier.

1914 | Sainsbury’s Ad | Christmas 2014

The decision to focus on the key events of the Christmas truce is a huge part of what makes this ad so effective, and it feels appropriate, given the sensitive subject matter. Including the bar briefly at the beginning and towards the end, alongside a simple but powerful message, Christmas is for sharing, was a smart creative move that helps make this video an effective, memorable advertisement for chocolate.

Inform and entertain your audience

Video storytelling enables brands to teach viewers about their foods and drinks products, the ingredients that they include and their health benefits. They’re also a wonderful way for brands to provide information about the social and environmental work that they have undertaken.

In this video for Tilda Rice, we explained how Tilda has worked alongside the World Food Programme to provide healthy meals to mothers in developing countries. We used striking photo imagery, animation and motion graphics to impart relevant information (the importance of nutrition from an early age, the donation of 5.8 million nutrition-boosting meals, etc.) and deliver a strong call to action (‘To find out more, visit’).

Tilda Rice – Helping Mums Together

Making use of such techniques can help food and drink brands to weave a compelling narrative and demonstrate the positive impact that they are making. Find out more about brand storytelling today.

Produce shorter-form content for social media

The short video format is very popular these days, and there are plenty of opportunities for food and drinks brands to take advantage of this trend with bite-sized clips that showcase their products in all of their deliciousness. Such videos often work well on social media, as we found when producing Facebook and Instagram ads for Mackies.

Simple, punchy messaging and a dollop of humour go a long way in shorter-form videos. Humour has long been used in food advertising – one need only recall the iconic For Mash Get Smash ads, with their cast of chortling Martians looking down upon humans as a ‘most primitive people’ for peeling and boiling potatoes.

We recommend that you consider incorporating lighthearted humour in your short-form food and drink videos. John West’s classic Bear Fight ad is a cracking example of how it’s done.

John West Salmon “Bear Fight” ad

Appeal to the senses

The best food and drink videos successfully appeal to the viewers’ senses. Capture your viewers’ interest with enticing visuals and a soundtrack that fits with your brand’s vibe.

Hendrick’s beautifully colourful ads are a model to follow for drinks brands aspiring to take their viewers on a mini adventure.

From the Depths to the Heights – A Summer of Gin – Hendrick’s Gin

Give your viewers an exciting sensory experience, using close-ups and a variety of angles to do justice to the deliciousness of your offering. Consult our food videography tips to make your product look as appetising as possible in your videos, and take a look at the gin brands that have nailed their marketing efforts in recent years.

Start selling your food and drink with storytelling

We hope that this has given you plenty of, um, food for thought. Learn more about filming food and drink videos with our top 10 tips on how to make recipe videos.

If you’d like to find out more about Small Films, take a look at our work for the food and drink sector, and view our latest work on our YouTube channel. Alternatively, check out our E-Book on how to use video to grow your food and drink brand.


Small Films is a video production company in London. Our team of videographers, editors and animators create all sorts of videos, including awesome
product videos, testimonial videos, explainer videos and animations that can help bring your brand to life. Do get in touch; we’d love to hear from you!