Web Adverts

A well executed web advert can drive incredible results for your brand. These are usually very short, compelling bits of content that can run on either Facebook, Instagram or Youtube. At Small Films we specialise in creating web adverts so contact us if you want to find out more about this service.  

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Online advertising now accounts for 65% of all UK Adverting spend.

Youtube Adverts

Youtube has 2 billion monthly users so its a great place to reach your audience.

Social Media Ads

Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter and Snapchat are all great places to get hyper-targeted with your audiences. 

White set of stairs

Display Advertising

Reach your audience when they are visiting their favourite websites and capture their attention with high quality video advertising. 

How can I use web adverts to help my brand? 

Web adverts are an incredible tool for reaching your audience wherever they are. 79% of UK adults now own a Smartphone, which means you can have unfettered access to your audience whether they are at home, at the office or just on the go. Its no surprise that 70% of all UK digital advertising spend is now on mobile video. So if you aren’t riding that video wave, then you should be.

Whether your audience hangs out on Youtube, social media or news websites, you have an opportunity to speak directly to them with web adverts. Choosing to use video rather than static images should be a high priority. Video has the highest engagement and click-through rate of all digital format advertising so its not only a great way to grab your customers attention but can decrease your advertising costs through higher-click through rates.

The average Facebook user scroll through 300ft of social feed every single day so you need to work hard to grab their attention. To create “thumb-stopping” content that has enough impact to make your customers take notice, you need to have videos that will resonate with your audience. Find out more.

Some of our work

Mackie’s Icecream

Celebrating a summer of simple pleasures in a series of Facebook and Instagram ads

Charlie Bigham

Bringing a bit of personality to their products in a social ad campaign featuring the founder.

Pots and Co

Bringing a decadent pudding to life in a winter launch using social media advertising.

The types of web adverts you can use…

Formatting is key when creating web adverts using video. The wrong format can lead to poor performing advertising campaigns. You must identify the platform you intend to advertise on and the customers you want to reach so you can tailor your adverts to that audience. The same creative idea could work across multiple platforms but it may need to be re-worked so it fits natively to that platform.


Youtube is the second largest search engine after Google and gets 30 million visits a day. There are a few ways to advertise on Youtube including TrueView ads that prioritise engagement, Video Discovery Ads for people searching for content, Display Ads that appear beside people’s feed and In-Stream ads that appear before someone is watching a video. Do your homework before deciding on the right type of video and advertising spot before you start your creative journey. Or contact us for help and guidance on Youtube advertising.


Facebook and Instagram are the stand out winners when it comes to running web adverts on social media. They have the largest numbers of users and some of the most advanced targeting when it comes to identifying your audience. You can get incredibly granular with your audiences on Facebook, so creating content that is specific to them can reap great rewards. Pay attention to video length and formatting when creating your content as square ratio videos perform better than landscape ratio and creating vertical videos for Instagram stories will help you stand out. Other social platforms include Twitter, Snapchat, Twitch and TikTok. This latest social video platform has taken the UK by storm.


Rapid advances in technology mean that the days of boring, static banner ads are over. Today, you can advertise on websites ranging from news sites and online magazines to beauty blogs and travel sites. Through buying placements directly with those sites, through media buying or programmatic advertising, marketers have the ability to reach their target audiences like never before.


Most of us now consume our favourite movies or TV shows via our laptops or smart devices. This represents a great opportunity for advertisers to reach their audience using web adverts. High quality video ads are important if you don’t want to impact on the users viewing experience.


Some of the most popular smartphone apps rely on advertising to keep their platforms going. If a user is unwilling to go “ad free” then they will be asked to watch adverts. This form of marketing is increasing in popularity and will only continue to grow. However, many marketers have been slow on the uptake with low quality ads being a regular feature of this medium.

At Small Films, we have a huge amount of experiences creating web adverts that sit within a solid strategy that delivers results for our clients. Give us a call to find out more.

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Want to create some web adverts for your business? Then give us a shout.