A Brand Film Agency Based in Hackney, London

The right brand film can tell a story about your brand that will resonate deeply with your target audience and convert them into loyal fans. Contact us to find out how Small Films can help your brand. 

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Brand Films make a statement about your business. 

Tell a Story

The story of your brand is important to the modern consumer. Use this opportunity to make them fall in love with your brand.

Create Emotion

Brand films can be indulgently creative to stir up an emotional response in the viewer. Make your audience feel something special about your brand. 

White set of stairs

Position Yourself

Brand films are an opportunity to set out your manifesto. What is your purpose in this world and what do you want to change? 

What makes a great brand film?


The best brand films start with a great story. It may sound obvious but like any great story, they need a beginning, a middle and and end. Take your viewer on a journey that enthrals and delights them.


Brand films are a statement piece. These aren’t a pedestrian look at your product or service. You need to have impact and to do that there are few things to consider including assigning the right budget, finding the right supplier, developing the right creative and then having the ambition to push the boundaries with your film so it doesn’t feel derivative.


Make sure you understand your audience and put yourself in their shoes. What type of film will resonate with them and leave a lasting impression? How do they currently see your brand and how would you like them to see you? Not all audiences will respond to your message in the same way.

Some of our Brand Film Agency work

Tilda w/ The World Food Programme

This film tells the story of Tilda’s commitment to help the WFP end world hunger.

Sock Shop

Sock Shop want us all to feel happy from the feet up. We helped them communicate their message with this film.


Everhot traditional range cookers have one foot in the past and another in the 21st century. This film shows their heritage and commitment to environmental sustainability.

How to start your Brand Film project.

Here’s a simple 5 step plan for creating your brand film.


What are the 3 things that you want to communicate with this film? You can extend this to 5 things if you must but keeping it simple, will give you the best chance of success. Do you want your brand film to reposition the image of your brand? Appeal to new demographics? Highlight a specific aspect of your product?


Dig around online for other examples of brand films. Don’t just look at your competitors or own industry. Look further for brands you look up to, have respect for, or just know are dominating people’s attention. Find the style of film that resonates most with you and most importantly will resonate with your audience. It could be documentary, drama, animation or something unique. But find a style and run with it.


It is absolutely critical that you decide on the right budget to invest in this film. In the same way that you would choose a budget to invest in a website build, a marketing campaign or a trade event, so too should you fix your budget for this film. It will make it much easier for you to find competitive quotes. Make sure to also give the project a timeframe with a specific deadline to go live. This will keep the project on-track and on-budget.


Once you know your story and the style for your film, it will be easier to find a supplier that can do a great job for you. Look for a brand film agency with experience in creating the same type of work for similar brands. If they specialise in your sector then even better! Ask for examples of their work and check references. Don’t expect all companies to pitch you their creative concepts unless they are paid to do so.


With all the best intentions, your initial ideas for the film and style you wished to pursue may not have been the best approach. Once you have a professional video company working on the creative ideation for your film, they may come back with more interesting, more exciting or just more suitable ideas which will have a better result. Try to be flexible and adapt to the changing creative. Go with the flow and see where it takes you.

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Looking for a brand film agency in London? Then give us a shout.